Question 1 is not a question I asked, not about trolls specifically but pertainingwhich was assumed in answers, therefore deserves a question of its own (not this one, and someone else can post it.) Pertaining to uncomfortably explicit material: Cancan we agree that content on this site should be polite? Polite isn't unkind; it's professional, like the "Be Nice" policy. Content which makes most users uncomfortable should not be viewed as acceptable but possibly naïve, and should be promptly edited to fit more conventional norms. If that is met with outrage on the part of the OP, that outrage should not be tolerated; tell them to take it to meta like everything else affecting this site.
Again, that is a separate question. The fact that trolls use sexually specific language is an aside, a means to identify some of them.
Question two: whatWhat to do with a person who is highly likely to be a troll? If we don't DV and delete, their content stays up. What is gained by assuming someone outrageously flaunting normal"normal"* values is not a troll? Does it give this site reputability? or doeOr does it invite more of the same?
*Normal in this context is normal for the USA, the host site of the network. If you believe it's fine to walk around in your Japanese friend's house with muddy galoshes, then I admit "normal" does not apply.