I might just be talking about me here but I think this a good question who was asked too earlier. It's not even been a week since the "HNQ ban" and now it's the weekend and none of us know how it feels like to be out of the HNQ list.
So, am I made that we are totally out of HNQ and that we are the only site who suffer from that treatment? Absolutely.
But, do I think that could also be a good thing? The answer is yes.
Just take a look at this question. I feel that the answers there are amazing but I also believe that, if the question would have ended-up on HNQ, we might have ended-up with a lot of terrible answer who would have completely overshadowed the great answers.
So, I don't know if I want IPS to be back on the HNQ list. But what I definitively know is that I want us to have a choice.
I mean, just give us a tag judge-as-hight-quality (or an HTML comment tag or whatever) and, when we think a question is ready, we will use it and show the world what great questions we have.
Or we can also do the opposite with a not-for-hnq tag but that would need more work from us.
I don't know yet if want IPS back on HNQ but, please, let us decide.