I think we should have a discussion about some words that, for the benefit of everyone, may need to be avoided or at the very least supplemented because they don't really help a question out.
Rude - appears in 45 posts, of which 20 are questions. Is "rude" clear enough without any additional information? Does it mean the same thing to everyone?
Shy - appears in 10 posts, 4 questions. "Shy" has a psychiatric definition but many people don't realize that or use it that way. Do we need more information than just "shy"?
Polite - appears in 79 posts, 25 questions. Is "polite" clear?
I'm not saying that we should consider banning these words from the site entirely but are the words themselves clear enough (with or without locality context) for us to answer questions without getting more specific, detailed information about what the Asker thinks words like this mean?
If you think they are clear, please explain what they mean in a clear, distinct way that could be used as the Tag Wiki for the terms.
If you think they are not clear, what should we do with questions that rely heavily on these terms? How can we address the related tags rudeness and shyness which have pretty generic excerpts explaining when they should be used?