As we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the past 12 months.

As most of you here are aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network are moderated somewhat differently to other sites on the web:

We designed the Stack Exchange network engine to be mostly self-regulating, in that we amortize the overall moderation cost of the system across thousands of teeny-tiny slices of effort contributed by regular, everyday users.
-- A Theory of Moderation

That doesn't eliminate the need for having moderators altogether, but it does mean that the bulk of moderation work is carried out by regular folks. Every bit of time and effort y'all contribute to the site gives you access to more privileges you can use to help in this effort, all of which produce a cumulative effect that makes a big difference.

So as we welcome 2021, and in keeping with tradition, let us look back at what we accomplished as a community... by looking at some exciting stats. Below is a breakdown of moderation actions performed on Interpersonal Skills over the past 12 months:

Action Moderators Community¹
Users suspended² 18 19
Users destroyed³ 50 0
Users deleted 15 0
Users contacted 26 0
Tasks reviewed⁴: Suggested Edit queue 69 137
Tasks reviewed⁴: Reopen Vote queue 35 117
Tasks reviewed⁴: Low Quality Posts queue 63 674
Tasks reviewed⁴: Late Answer queue 21 38
Tasks reviewed⁴: First Post queue 66 396
Tasks reviewed⁴: Close Votes queue 27 281
Tags merged 1 0
Revisions redacted 2 0
Questions reopened 9 3
Questions protected 2 22
Questions migrated 3 0
Questions flagged⁵ 12 188
Questions closed 323 47
Question flags handled⁵ 133 67
Posts unlocked 1 0
Posts undeleted 11 19
Posts locked 0 71
Posts deleted⁶ 253 637
Posts bumped 0 18
Escalations to the Community Manager team 1 0
Comments undeleted 19 0
Comments flagged 40 400
Comments deleted⁷ 1,508 321
Comment flags handled 406 34
Answers flagged 274 614
Answer flags handled 470 413
All comments on a post moved to chat 5 0


¹ "Community" here refers both to the membership of Interpersonal Skills without diamonds next to their names, and to the automated systems otherwise known as user #-1.

² The system will suspend users under three circumstances: when a user is recreated after being previously suspended, when a user is recreated after being destroyed for spam or abuse, and when a network-wide suspension is in effect on an account.

³ A "destroyed" user is deleted along with all that they had posted: questions, answers, comments. Generally used as an expedient way of getting rid of spam.

⁴ This counts every review that was submitted (not skipped) - so the 2 suggested edits reviews needed to approve an edit would count as 2, the goal being to indicate the frequency of moderation actions. This also applies to flags, etc.

⁵ Includes close flags (but not close or reopen votes).

⁶ This ignores numerous deletions that happen automatically in response to some other action.

⁷ This includes comments deleted by their own authors (which also account for some number of handled comment flags).

Further reading:

A big thank you to Shog9 for writing the queries and script to facilitate fetching and posting this data to all the sites in the network, and to Brian for the subsequent work making the whole thing more user friendly.

Wishing everyone a happy 2021!

1 Answer 1


I was curious to know how much change compared to last year and especially: how much more or less work did the community did by itself compared to last year?

So I did this (on Excel):

NOTE: 'comm.' is abbreviation for 'community' and 'Mods' for 'Moderators'

Action Mods 2019 comm. '19 % by comm. '19 Mods 2020 comm. 2020 % by comm. '20 Pt diff.
Users suspended 34 14 29,2 18 19 51,3 22,2
Users destroyed 56 0 0 50 0 0 0
Users deleted 9 0 0 15 0 0 0
Users contacted 57 0 0 26 0 0 0
Tasks reviewed: Suggested Edit queue 102 499 83 69 137 66,5 -16,5
Tasks reviewed: Reopen Vote queue 74 609 89 35 117 77 -12,2
Tasks reviewed: Low Quality Posts queue 45 2700 98,4 63 674 91,5 -6,9
Tasks reviewed: Late Answer queue 15 58 79,5 21 38 64,4 -15
Tasks reviewed: First Post queue 128 815 86,5 66 396 85,7 -0,7
Tasks reviewed: Close Votes queue 49 1311 96,4 27 281 91,2 -5,2
Tags merged 2 0 0 1 0 0 0
Revisions redacted 13 0 0 2 0 0 0
Questions reopened 26 38 59,4 9 3 25 -34,4
Questions protected 12 45 79 2 22 91,6 12,7
Questions migrated 4 1 20 3 0 0 -20
Questions flagged 34 385 92 12 188 94 2,1
Questions closed 366 274 42,8 323 47 12,7 -30
Question flags handled 295 125 29,8 133 67 33,5 3,7
Posts unlocked 2 5 71,4 1 0 0 -71,4
Posts undeleted 28 31 52,5 11 19 63,3 10,8
Posts locked 5 92 94,8 0 71 100 5
Posts deleted 339 1083 76 253 637 71,5 -4,6
Posts bumped 0 2 100 0 18 100 0
Escalations to the Community Manager team 13 0 0 1 0 0 0
Comments undeleted 71 0 0 19 0 0 0
Comments flagged 59 2624 97,8 40 400 91 -6,9
Comments deleted 5217 1047 16,7 1508 321 17,5 0,8
Comment flags handled 2304 379 14 406 34 7,7 -6,4
Answers flagged 416 1401 77 274 614 69,1 -7,9
Answer flags handled 725 1108 60,5 470 413 46,8 -13,7
All comments on a post moved to chat 3 0 0 5 0 0 0

If we look at the last column "point difference", we can see that a fair amount of numbers have a negative value. This means that, this year, the community did less (compare to the mods) than last year. And this is especially true for "question closed". Though, we (the community) did do better in some other areas.

I must say, I was afraid that, this year, the mods had to do a lot more work compare to the community. And yes, it is true that mods did do more than last year. If I do the sum of all the "point difference", I obtain -194.

However, I realize it could have been way worse and we, the community, aren't doing that bad after all.

  • Could you just round those numbers? ;-)
    – Thomas
    Commented Jan 27, 2021 at 6:16
  • @Thomas Feel free to edit to do that :)
    – Ael
    Commented Jan 27, 2021 at 9:03
  • Looks like I can't: "Suggested edits are not allowed on non-tag-wiki posts on meta sites." :-(
    – Thomas
    Commented Jan 27, 2021 at 11:28
  • Did my best to round and shorten while keeping clear, hope this works :)
    – OldPadawan
    Commented Apr 9, 2021 at 6:50
  • The Mods might have done a higher percentage, but there don't seem to be many categories in which they have actually done more tasks, if I'm understanding the chart properly. If numbers of tasks needing doing are down across the board it is likely that mods, who are more obliged to actively be here doing stuff will pick up, more in some categories if their task burden is generally lower. Traffic here seems to have about ground to a halt, 11 non-closed questions for the whole of June doesn't seem very sustainable?
    – user9837
    Commented Jul 2, 2021 at 14:13

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