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-3 votes
2 answers

Why was another one of my answers deleted?

I answered the following answer to How can I ask an unfamiliar coworker to eat more quietly? Explaining to the asker that what he wants is not possible is perfectly fine on SE Is "Don't do ...
Oleg's user avatar
  • 220
19 votes
4 answers

Does this answer violate the "be nice" policy?

So I came across this answer today on a Hot Network Question. It was highly upvoted, which is why I'm raising this here instead of flagging. I may be off base and this may be my sensibilities speaking,...
Magisch's user avatar
  • 10.7k
1 vote
3 answers

Rude/abusive flag declined?

I flagged an answer as rude/abusive, here is the answer in it's entirety: Try to flirt with him online, on facebook/whatsapp/whatever. He doesn't approach you because it could be dangerous for his ...
apaul's user avatar
  • 54.9k
6 votes
2 answers

Is this answer valid?

Upon review of this answer on "How to tell a friend I don't want his help with miniature painting", this answer got flagged for lacking citations of personal experience on similar matters: https://...
avazula's user avatar
  • 14.3k
0 votes
3 answers

Questionable custom close reason

One of my questions was just closed with a somewhat questionable custom close reason: I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it sounds like you've spoken to him about it a few ...
apaul's user avatar
  • 54.9k
0 votes
2 answers

Why was an answer suggesting dosing a thief with laxatives not deleted?

This answer to the question "what to do if I suspect my friend is stealing from me" suggests to "set a trap" in the form of a hidden camera, which I personally don't find very socially adept or "...
user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Why was my answer deleted last night?

Why was my answer to this question deleted? How do I effectively get people to look past my age when considering my abilities, if they know how old I am? My answer is below, for reference. I ...
D.Hutchinson's user avatar