I feel that the question How to handle people who don't get along on Stack Exchange? hasn't been given enough thought as to its closure.
Robert C., our community builder for stack exchange closed this question as off-topic, citing that it belonged to the meta mother-site, and not-migrating the question itself, for compatibility reasons, orphaned question, and whatnot.
Politics aside, I think that this is a great question that would benefit much more from content that users could contribute to it, and the fact that the question still isn't migrated, and it's not deleted give me hope that it may be re-opened.
@Catija has informed me that I should respond to Is it ok to ask questions about issues on Stack Exchange? If so, where do we draw the line?.
And the executive summary is that the majority of the highly rated answers there state that the SO meta is a good place for personal issues and one-off problems that are very specific, while questions relates specifically to IPS (Be they including this site or not) are on-topic. The question as it sits right now is specific to stack exchange, but not to the user, providing a good opportunity for a canonical answer.