I wanted to answer a question but it become blocked by community because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers. I do not have 10 reputation to answer it, since I am not that active on this site and did not get any reputation except association bonus. Yet I honestly believe my answer is good answer for that question.
Is there a way to answer it other than raising my reputation on site?
To be specific:
Question is about
dating someone and make him aware you do not want kids ever.
My answer would be something like
Show him you are proactive - talk about (and think yourself about) permanent contraception (by OP, I think vasectomy scares lot of men, including me). People change in time, so there is no other way stating your opinion as final.
I believe it is good answer because no answer mentioned permanent contraception, that is strong sign of not wanting kids.
I do not want to answer in comments. I do not feel asking, answering other question ad hoc would be good.
Some sub questions: Does reputation on meta site count? Is there a way to get attention of OP or moderators so I can post my answer?
In the end I will sooner or later add this answer to that question If someone will not state my view, but it will take some time to gain reputation. I will probably rise my reputation by some tag editing.