Sometimes an off-topic question is asked by a new contributor who doesn't understand well our site requirements yet, or simply didn't take/have the time to read our guidelines for asking a good question. Such question may get closed very quickly, sometimes without a comment left for explaining why the question will likely get closed. Usually, a user will leave one, but I recently noticed that the comment would be along the lines of:
Hi, this question will get closed because of XXX.
But too rarely we remind users that they can edit it / narrow the scope / rephrase it so it gets reopen. And there are lots of situations in which the question simply is too broad, or is shaped in a "what should I do" way while it may be perfectly valid once rephrased.
Should we consider changing our approach towards likely-to-get-closed-soon questions? How could we increase the rate of edited-and-reopened questions, namely from new contributors?