If I am right in thinking that IPS.SE was launched on June 27, then we have completed 150 days today. (Do the math: it's Nov.27 with five 30-day months, but July, August and October have 31, so 150 days were completed 3 days early: on 24 November 2017.) As always a best answers contest would be very encouraging and I shall contribute 300 points rep for the second best answer. Who wants to sign up for donating the first prize 500 rep and the third prize 200 rep? We might allow nominations to include answers written upto 30th of November, and I would appreciate a moderator creating an official contest post here on meta.
Update: @Catija in her very prompt answer feels it would be better to extend contests to quarterly basis and have the next contest in January 2018 for answers written between October 1 and December 31, starting a regular cycle of quarterly contest 4 times a year, which I think is a very good suggestion. My meta question here was not intended as a contest announcement and I just want to know how the community plans to schedule the next contest.