Part of interpersonal relationships is knowing when to say nothing. Sometimes there is no polite way to say what you want to say. A recent example is this question How can I politely tell a family who invited me for dinner that I'm still hungry?.
In this case, it was not a one-time experience, but a consistent, established pattern. The OP, in my opinion, answered the question himself:
..... I decided to eat at home prior to visiting .....
Another example is this question about a noisy eater at work How can I ask an unfamiliar coworker to eat more quietly?. Again, the OP had the solution in his question
Most of the time, I've just been putting on headphones....
In both cases, the answer buried in the question was far from ideal from the OP's point of view. So what? Living with less than ideal solutions is part of interpersonal relationships and better than hurting someone's feelings, possibly for no purpose.
If you are a guest in someone's house, you follow their rules and customs. If you don't like it, stay home. If you have a co-worker with bad table manners, leave it to someone who knows him well to speak to him.
There is no kind or polite way to deal with some problems other than gritting one's teeth and keeping one's mouth shut.
However, advising an OP that what cannot be cured must be endured seems to be against the policy of this site. (See answer of HDE to Why was another one of my answers deleted?).
Let's not rule out keeping silent as a valid answer when it may actually be the best answer. Such an answer should explain why the problem the OP asked about is not one of the battles he should choose to fight.