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-6 votes
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What changes do I need to make to my answer to get it undeleted?

The Question: Approach friends about getting un-invited last minute with terrible communication and rude behavior? The Deleted Answer: The Interpersonal Skill here is Setting Boundaries. Note though ...
DTRT's user avatar
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Heavy handed deletion of an answer

Over a year ago, the question How to get spouse to empathetically listen to problems instead of offering solutions? was posted here. My answer was brief, offered a book that was perfect for the ...
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-2 votes
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Answer deleted after a year and many positive votes

Been awhile since I have been here, hope all is well. I am curious past the very brief explanation given by the moderator and the generic stuff in the help section as to why an answer that clearly ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Regarding the deletion of an answer for not answering the core question

In the recent question How to communicate to my mother that I find it hurtful when she cooks dessert for everyone except me who is vegan? my answer got deleted. I see the point of the answer not ...
ArtificialSoul's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Question 15411 had a high rated answer disappear - how do I determine why this happened?

Yesterday Question 15411 had a fairly highly rated answer that I thought was the best answer. There was a "please back this up" comment on that answer. Today that answer is completely gone. Is ...
DaveG's user avatar
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3 answers

I edited my answer. What can I do to get it undeleted?

Catija deleted my answer (deleted, viewable by 2,000+ rep users only) to this question. Dad wants me to invite his mother to my wedding. How to push it back? My answer started with: "Cancel the ...
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-8 votes
1 answer

Why was my answer deleted last night?

Why was my answer to this question deleted? How do I effectively get people to look past my age when considering my abilities, if they know how old I am? My answer is below, for reference. I ...
D.Hutchinson's user avatar
-3 votes
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Why was my answer (8456) deleted?

I have an answer to a question that a few people agree with and a few disagreed with (normal). However, someone deleted the answer I believe overzealously. After rereading the answer, I agreed with ...
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1 vote
1 answer

Answer deleted, without notice, no chance to improve etc.?

EDIT: I edited my answer, could it please be undeleted? I posted an answer to the question How to convince my parents I’m happy with my social life? and it seems the answer was deleted. I received ...
michi's user avatar
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2 votes
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Why was an answer I liked deleted?

Yesterday, I posted a question and got some good answers. One in particular really helped me get the wording on confronting the issue right, but I can't see it, nor can I accept it anymore because it ...
daze413's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Why was another one of my answers deleted?

I answered the following answer to How can I ask an unfamiliar coworker to eat more quietly? Explaining to the asker that what he wants is not possible is perfectly fine on SE Is "Don't do ...
Oleg's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why was this answer deleted? I don't think this answer is worth deleting. The facts in the question are reiterated in a blunt way, not rude. The inappropriate word has been ...
Vylix's user avatar
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-5 votes
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Why was my answer deleted?

The following was my answer to this question - Is mentioning that a synagogue is located in a well off neighbourhood a racist remark? That was an honest and polite answer, had 5 upvotes and downvotes,...
Oleg's user avatar
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